Biodecoding of Christian Fleche with Marie Boularand
Natural remedies & cures, Nutrition & Diet

Probiotic Supplements May Kill a Healthy Flora

By Marie Boularand. For a number of years now the use of probiotic food supplements* (check the note at the end of this article) has been trendy in western countries. I took them on a daily basis for several years because I used to believe in their benefits as did most alternative health practitioners. But… Continue reading Probiotic Supplements May Kill a Healthy Flora

Biodecoding of Christian Fleche with Marie Boularand
Science & Research

In Good Health? Thank Your 100 Trillion Bacteria !

By Gina Kolata > New York Times. For years, bacteria have had a bad name. They are the cause of infections, of diseases. They are something to be scrubbed away, things to be avoided. But now researchers have taken a detailed look at another set of bacteria that may play even bigger roles in health… Continue reading In Good Health? Thank Your 100 Trillion Bacteria !